The Village of Meyerland
Assisted Living

Assisted Living in Houston

Discover comfort and convenience at The Village of Meyerland. If you or your loved one is searching for individualized care, look no further than our Assisted Living apartments in Houston, Texas. Live with freedom and peace of mind knowing our associates can help you manage daily activities and personal matters if needed. For further assistance, a licensed nurse will conduct a comprehensive care assessment with you, with input from your family. Then we create a plan for individualized care with the appropriate level of support

while fostering independence.


Our professional staff can also suggest specific programs to help you regain or improve your independence. We can help you with:


  • Medication management
  • Bathing, dressing, and grooming
  • Escorting to meals & activities


  • Diet & mealtime assistance
  • Physical therapy & occupational therapy services*


*Available through a Medicare-certified preferred Home Health provider.

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